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"SEOEE #2 Gmail cont"



So last time we talked about signing up for a FREE Gmail account and that it is important because it can help put you on the map.


Here’s why having Gmail is a good idea.  Next week we will discuss the next step: Google+.


You see, you have to have a gmail account to associate everything else Google with, including Google+, and that is where we are heading. A Google+ account let’s you customize your own business Google+ page with your own text content plus pictures plus even video [Google LOVES video, they own YouTube remember]. So with all this opportunity out there, we want to take advantage of it. Helps the SEO greatly.


Here are a couple comments from the memebers:

  1. Barry,I am confused to why we need a GMAIL account.  First of all, we already have Microsoft exchange and have no desire in having an addition business email. Also, I use gmail for the PTA I belong to and HATE it.  I would much rather use yahoo or Hotmail. Also, when we are goolged, we already pop up with a red balloon and are a landmark on all google maps for companies in the area.


So, good question. Best short answer is: Gmail is arguably the best email system out there today (see this short seo video). Search to see what others say and you will find this to be the majority opinion of those with no ‘agenda’.


Using a gmail account to sign up for Google+ allows you to enhance a page that can draw others who like your service to write review about their experience with your company. This is the best form of advertising today [much more on that in a later SEOEE], a form of social media. Many people like to use it so why not give them the opportunity. (if you want the long answer let me know)


2.Vaughn says: I have a G-Mail (almost a requirement for smart phones)  Of interest - Cableone - my internet service makes all their emails now go thru gmail (as of a year or so ago.


So do you think that a huge company like Cableone would send their emails thru gmail if it weren’t a really smart thing to do? Fact is, gmail is the most secure email method available, and yes you have to have it to use most ‘Smart’ phones today.


3. Some asked if they should get a gmail account for the business, since they already have a personal one. Yes, by all means do get another one for the business with something in the address associating the business with it and keep it separate.


There are many good reasons to use Gmail, not the least of which is to use it to sign on with Google+.


So in the next series of SEOEE’s we’ll talk about what you can do with G+ and what it can do for you.


So long for now … moe next Thursday or Friday.

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